“The artist has only to remain true to his dream and it will possess his work in such a manner that it will resemble the work of no other man”. Albert Pinkham Ryder

View from Mount Blanc
I thought this pastel of Mount Blanc, Switzerland, was appropriate for the season. When you view the world from this high up, it is awe inspiring. It is easy to believe that there can be; “Peace on Earth, Goodwill Towards Men”. If only that were true. I return there frequently through my art, to experience the magic and majesty of the mountains. When you stand in such a magnificent setting, there is for me such a connection to the Earth, it inspires paintings for a long time.

Ice Flow.
Sometimes they are realistic, and sometimes they are abstract.
As artists, we need to find those things that excite us and make us want to create…the “spark” that ignites our creativity. Whether it is: color, the human form, nature, or architecture, it is important to find it.
I think that when one is young it is the object, the outside world that fires one’s enthusiasm; one is carried way with it. In later life, it’s something within ones self, the need to express an emotion, that leads a painter to choose his point of departure, one form rather than another”. Pierre Bonnard
I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy Holiday Season and a New Year filled with Joy, Peace, and Creativity.
Happy Holidays Everyone!