In art intentions are not sufficient…What one does is what counts and not what one has intentions of doing.” Pablo Picasso
Commitment is what transforms the promise into reality. It is the words that speak boldly of your intentions, and the actions which speak louder than the words. How committed are you to your creative development and what percentage of your life do you want to give to being successful at it? Do you have a goal? Have you set benchmarks for yourself? When you reach one do you set another?
The answer to these questions is going to be different for everyone. There are so many varied reasons to explore your creative side and to make art? What I do know, is that to be good at anything you do, you must pay your dues. It just doesn’t happen. It takes work, effort, and dedication if you want to improve at anything.

Morning Light Pastel
If you’re serious about making a place for yourself in the art world, or just want to explore something new in the creative sphere, you must be prepared to work at it, be open minded, and be disciplined. If you have intentions, you must stoke them with power, by acting and doing! If you are having problems achieving your goal, look at your areas of procrastination and find a way to deal with them if your intention to your creative life is important.
Therefore, it is important to know what your intentions are, so you can set benchmarks and work to reach them. A concrete commitment to a plan of action is a critical part of nurturing your inner artist.
“I shall become a master in this art only after a great deal of practice.” Erich Fromm
Please save some time the weekend of February 9th and 10th to visit my studio, “Perceptions by cALand”. It is # 13 in the Studio Art Tour Guide. It is at: 5420 Swordfern Court in Port Orange. You must enter the development from Williamson Blvd. I would love to have you come and see where the “Magic Happens”. 10:00am – 5:00pm.