Carolyn Land’s work and website have been featured in print and online.
2017 Perceptions by CA Land Website Gets Rave Review
Read what Richard Malinsky, Arts Editor at Woven Tale Press Fine Arts Magazine had to say about Carolyn Land’s work.
Carolyn Land is widely recognized for her exceptional contributions to art education and her creative techniques.
“Art in the Round” Tavares, FL “
Land’s paint and collage works sizzle with super heated reds, red orange, and deep pink. She finds authenticity in nature and produces intricate designs, which invite the viewer in to provide the context.
—Orlando Sentinel
VoyageJacksonville Article
The most authentic experience I believe one can have is with nature. I am fascinated by the intricate designs created within the small space of one’s vision. The lines, forms, colors, and textures of the natural elements motivate my art. As an artist, I reach deep within myself to express an image inspired by nature or man’s interaction with it .